About Us

Providing quality housing for the greater Morgantown community

ADJS Properties + D and S Homes is a family-owned real estate investment business in Morgantown, WV. We specialize in buying distressed properties and partnering with local tradesman, contractors, and engineers to restore and renovate these homes to provide quality housing for the greater Morgantown community. High quality craftsmanship, custom design and finish work, and personal touches are staples of all the homes we’ve completed. We hope you enjoy our portfolio of work which includes homes we sold on the market and active rental properties and look forward to continuing to serve the Morgantown community in the coming years!

About the Owners

Jamie Sturgill and Angela Demasi

My wife Angela and I moved to Morgantown in May 2021 to start our business following long careers in healthcare. We wanted a change that afforded us the opportunity to work for ourselves and move closer to our family. Angela is from Morgantown, and I’m originally from Ohio, so it was a great move in that respect. Our kids and parents also all live on the East Coast, so that has been a blessing to be close to them again. Angela and I also both love the outdoors and the never ending hiking trails and beautiful scenery in West Virginia.

Our Services

Homes For Sale

High-quality craftsmanship, custom design and finish work, and personal touches are staples of all the homes we’ve completed.


High-quality craftsmanship, custom design and finish work, and personal touches are staples of all the homes we’ve completed.

Why Choose Us


We partner with local tradesmen, contractors, and engineers to restore and renovate our homes and rentals to provide quality housing.

Best Quality

High quality craftsmanship, custom design and finish work, and personal touches are staples of all the homes we’ve completed.

Trusted Partner

We’re dedicated to the greater Morgantown area and strive to create high-quality housing to better our community.